Moms Night Out @ The Homeschool Homestead
Support, Training, and Community for Homeschool and Public School Moms. Our Monthly Topics Deliver Practical Solutions to Empower, Safeguard, and Strengthen Resilient Homes during Uncertain Times.
January 13
The home and family are facing the greatest existential threat in history. In this workshop you'll discover what neural-psychology is, why it is critical in the formation of culture and identity, and how it's been weaponized within almost every aspect of society to destroy the family and the future of our nation.
When Moms Pray is a women's night out event with the option of returning Saturday morning for session #2, Parenting BootCamp to discover the Seven Essentials and why they are critical in family-life and child development.
Moms, you deserve a grown-up moment! Escape the kids, make it a girls night with a friend and come do something that's just for you.
📆 Date: January 12th ⏰ Time: 6:30-8:30 🏠 Venue: The Homestead 🏠 Cost: Free
Optional, but highly encouraged, Follow up training workshop
📆 Date: January 13th ⏰ Time: 9:00-3:00 🏠 Venue: The Homestead 🏠 Cost: Free (opt. workbooks available)
Bring a sack lunch. Don't wait! Seating is limited. Secure your spot now.
at The Homestead
Growing Children, Building Strong & Resilient Lives and Homes
Deanna Rhinehart
Deanna Rhinehart,
President of Champions College, Author, Teacher,
Education Reformer
Brittney Morken
Brittney Morken,
Children's Academic Director
Kailey Leslie
Kailey Leslie,
Youth Pastor & Ministry Counseling
Bailey Rhinehart-Smith
Bailey Rhinehart-Smith
Addiction & Ministry Counseling
Valley Wide Moms Night Out
Follow-up the next day with the powerful workshop
How to Raise Upright Kids in an Upside-Down World
Nampa, Idaho
Hosted by Defining Women of Treasure Valley
Defining Women is a ministry division of Champions College
in association with the Homeschool Homestead Moms!
1. Register
2. Check your inbox for your prayer card
3. See you there!