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Kingdom-Builders Partnerships 

Go... and make disciples of all nations...

Champions partners with ministries and individuals as an evangelism, discipleship, and funding tool so the sowers and the reapers can work together to reach and teach the nations.

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Kingdom Builders

Experience exponential growth and community impact with Champions' unique student-to-mentor classes.


Partner with Champions to host or teach classes in your community


* Note, Champions College does not provide wages or employment to hosts or mentors. 


The Seed System is a unique affiliate approach that helps fund ministries by rewarding those who sow into others.



Champions Impact Ministries provides  programs for sharing your living testimony 

community transformation

Join the Great Take Back 

to bridge your ministry with one or more of the ESE community programs


Impact Ministries and The MOM-E-SCHOOL help moms to come home with home-based ministries

rapid multiplication

Experience exponential growth, restoration, & reformation with Champions unique student-to-mentor classes 

Kingdom Builder Partners

Kingdom Builder Partnerships 


Thank you! I'll reach out to you soon

Questions? Email Deanna at

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