A Children's Music Conservatory on a Homeschool Homestead!?
We're bringing our expert skills to the farm! As forerunners in ESE for campus culture and family life development, we're combining leadership, character, the arts, and STEAM, into a dynamic, camp-style, School of Ministry for children and youth. Homeschool and after-school programs include:
Children's Theater
Children's Show Choir
Private Lessons
School of Ministry
MOMS (Defining Women's Mom-e-School)
STEM (guest engineers)
Homestead Projects
Workshops & Events
Young Entrepreneurs
Kids in Ministry!
Children's Musical
Adventure Theater!
Are you looking for a place where your child can develop their gifts, grow their relationship with Christ, make friends, and learn to share kindness? If your answer is "YES", then Championeers! at The Homeschool Homestead is for you!
Championeers! ESE Systems uses the arts to promote cognitive-neural development for happy, healthy lives and homes. As global forerunners in neural-ed, Championeers! unlocks a child's inner genius to learn how to think, not what to think. Then we incorporate Homesteading & STEM in our inventor's labs to apply their skills!
Ages: 5 -11
Friday: 10:00-12:00
Monthly Tuition: $50 per month
* 5/6-year-old placement interview
** Tuition is shown with 50% off scholarships.

Youth in Ministry
Fearless is a School of Ministry for middle and high school students. They meet one day (or evening) a week to unite through authentic relationships, shared purpose, the pursuit of the father's heart, identity in Christ, and the nurturing of their gifts. Students serve on ministry teams in worship, tech, event planning, and theater for local and global impact.
Ages: 11+
Opt. #1: Friday 10:00-4:30 School of Ministry + Teams
Cost: $100
Opt. #2: Friday 5:00-6:30 Teams Only
Cost: $50
Opt. #3: Youth Services 6:30-8:30
Cost: FREE
Young Entrepreneurs
Fearless HS/College
Young entrepreneurs learn by doing through a discipleship-leadership internship in Champions' 7-Mts entrepreneurial ministries. In this innovative approach to HS and college, students earn certificates of competency to prepare them to host or launch their own market-place ministries. Your internship includes active participation in classes and ministry teams for valley-wide and national youth outreach. Includes optional Fearless Blocks.
Ages: 16+
Thursday: 12:30-5:00 + Fearless Services + Events
Monthly Tuition: $150

Moms in Ministry
Defining Women
Defining Women and the Mom-E-School equips moms with Biblical foundations and powerful tools to build strong, resilient lives and homes. classes from homesteading and traditional skills to family-life development and mompreneurship. Come and learn, then go and teach. (Mom & Me, Mothers & Daughters Moms in Ministry and Moms Groups)
Ages: Women & Young Women 16+
Thursday: 9:00-10:00: Love Personified Devotion
Thursday: 10-11:00: The Self-Sufficient Home
Thursday: 11:00-12:00: Family Night Adventures
Cost: Books & Resources
Friday Farmdays
Traditional Homestead Fun!
Join us for the Homeschool Homestead Series. Each month we'll choose a special homestead project for you and your children to learn preservation, farming, and traditional skills!
Don't miss out. Join the mailing list for upcoming classes, schedules, workshops, and events.

Option #1
Kids in Ministry: K-5
1 Morning a Week
STEM, Arts, Electives
Children's ESE Choir
Family Night Connections
MOMS Group
Farm Time Fun
Option #2
Youth in Ministry: MS/HS
Once a Week + Events
Local & Global Impact Ministries
Build Friendships & Faith
Lead Valley-Wide Youth Events
Bible, Life & Leadership Classes
Opt. Musical Theater
Option #3
Events & Classes
Homestead Workshops
Homeschool Workshops
Children's Theater Events
Valley Youth Rallies
Defending the Home Series
Moms & Daughters
- Essence of Beauty
Option #4
Homeschool Newbies
Homeschooling Made Easy: Expert Consulting for New Moms on Nurturing Your Child's Education at Home:
Getting Started
Curriculum & Grades
Discipline & Motivation
Personalized Support
Thursday: Women's & College Ministries
Defining Women Moms Group:
9-10: Devotional: Love Personified
10-11: Defending the Home: The Self-Sufficient Home
11-12: Family Ministries
* Moms & Young women 16+
** Self-directed children's study group
Young Entrepreneurs School
HS/College Teams 12:30-5:00
Learn all aspects of marketplace entrepreneurship as you intern in college and youth 7 Mt Ministries.
* Use the application below for all Homestead programs.
Friday: Kids School of Ministry
Kids in Ministry: 10-12
Theme: Castles & Kingdoms
Championeers! The Hag Musical Theater
* Bonus Music: Annie Review
Chicken Class - The Village Hen House
Children's Medieval Garden
Fearless by Day 10-4:30
Children's Ministries & School Ministry Teams
The Hag Lead Cast
Costume & Set Design
Fearless by Night 5-8:30
Ministry Teams & Services
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